Moody Group Shot - Ted Stilson

Artist Info: Ted Stilson, arthritis Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada []
Toy Name: Moody group shot – includes customs created by Tyson Summers, Shin Tanaka, Uamou artist – Ayako Takagi, Bloo Empire, Ted Stilson, Aaron Keeling, Dan ‘Wavedog’ Fenelon, Figurepunk, Matt Connelly, Khayne Tan, Shanell Papp
Toy Type: 8″ Moody
Toy Story: These guys love to mug it up for the camera.
Toy Available for sale: Will be going on sale after November show at Helen Christou Gallery in Lethbridge.
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Moody Group Shot - Ted Stilson

Moody Group Shot - Ted Stilson

Moody Group Shot - Ted Stilson

Moody Group Shot - Ted Stilson

Moody Group Shot - Ted Stilson
R.I.P. Mad*L - Dril One

Artist Info: Dril One, more about
San Francisco []
Toy Name: R.I.P. Mad*L
Toy Type: Mad*L
Available for sale: By commision only
Artist available for commission? Yes
Dril One email
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R.I.P. Mad*L - Dril One
Laser Qee - Wavedog

Artist Info: Wavedog, about it
Madison, sickness
New Jersey []
Toy Name: Laser Qee
Toy Type: 8″ Qee Bear
Toy Story: A strange alien cyborg virus has infected this simple Earth toy
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Laser Qee - Wavedog

Laser Qee - Wavedog

Laser Qee - Wavedog
Thunk! - Brian Castleforte

Artist Info: Brian Castleforte, cialis Los Angeles, USA [,]
Toy Name: Thunk!
Toy Type: Handmade Plush / Sculpt combination
Toy Story: Misplaced, misunderstood lint ogre seeks horrible little beast for sinfully barbaric adventures. Must be under 5.6 inches tall and have foul breath!
Toy Available for sale: Not at the moment
Artist available for custom toy commission? Sure
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Thunk! - Brian Castleforte

Thunk! - Brian Castleforte
Der Frankcap - Sjors Trimbach

Artist Info: Sjors Trimbach, prostate
The Netherlands []
Toy Name: Der Frankcap
Toy Type: 3″ Fatcap
Toy Story: One day Dr. Trimbach won a DER Fatcap and decided to create his own monster. Bolds were added, mind
Frank got a nice shirt on and a big wrench to build his own hotrods. Der ist ALIVE!!!
Toy Available for sale: Trade [Will be for trade at]
Artist available for custom toy commission? No
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Der Frankcap - Sjors Trimbach

Der Frankcap - Sjors Trimbach

Der Frankcap - Sjors Trimbach
Blight En Bear - Yiao

Artist Info: Yiao, viagra 60mg
Rotterdam []
Toy Name: Blight en Bear Dunny
Toy Type: 3″ dunny
Toy Story: Blight is not a happy Dunny because he got eaten from the back. The bear Dunny is a happy forest Dunny and like to sleep a lot
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Email artist]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Blight En Bear - Yiao

Blight En Bear - Yiao

Blight En Bear - Yiao
Mondogustoso Plushes - Charuca

Artist Info: Charuca, and
Barcelona, Spain []
Toy Name: Mondogustoso Plushes
Toy Type: Keichain handmade plushes
Toy Story: This toys are part of my cute world. They live with me at home and they are very nice people.
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Water Spirit - Keeley Carrigan

Artist Info: Keeley Carrigan – BlooEmpire, ophthalmologist
Charlotte, nurse
Toy Name: Water Spirit
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: Water Spirits are a part of every drop of water on the planet. They spend their lives in transition from liquid to gas, gas to liquid, liquid to solid, etc. There are many Water Spirits and they are just as unique as the humans that live in their world. They are also probably the most even-tempered of all the Elemental Spirits because they like to go with the flow and find balance with their surroundings.
Toy Available for sale: Sold [There will be other Elemental Spirit customs and you can contact artist about them, or check website]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Water Spirit - Keeley Carrigan
PORKY - Bob Conge - Plaseebo

Artist Info: Bob Conge – Plaseebo, order
Up-state New York, link
USA []
Toy Name: PORKY
Toy Type: Body started life as an 8″ Munny
Toy Story: “PORKY” is a 80 foot high partially decayed dinosaur from the pre- crumblean period who was frozen in the advance of the last Ice Age. He remained trapped within a massive glacier high in the Swiss Alps until the summer of 2006, illness
when he was released from the icy grip of his 10000 year entombment by global warming. Though he lost most of his skin and a good deal of tissue in the process, the natural cryonic preservation allowed PORKY to somehow emerge ALIVE! He now roams the countryside of central Europe on blackest of nights, feeding on trees and shrubs. Lucky for us he is the ancestor of the porcupine.
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Through website,]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Maybe
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PORKY - Bob Conge - Plaseebo

PORKY - Bob Conge - Plaseebo

PORKY - Bob Conge - Plaseebo

PORKY - Bob Conge - Plaseebo
Moo-haha - Attila

Artist Info: Attila, pharm Toronto, Canada
Toy Name: Moo-haha
Toy Type: 8″ Moody
Toy Story: Custom Moody for Moody show.
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Email artist]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Moo-haha - Attila

Moo-haha - Attila

Moo-haha - Attila