Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Submit Toy


Want to display your toy for the world to see? Well we’ve now made it easier for you to do just that by featuring your toy on our blog. Simply visit the following page found below and submit your toy using the online submission form.

To submit event and exhibition information please visit the following page – Submit Event


To be featured on Custom Toy Lab please send the following information to toys at customtoylab dot com

3-5 images of each custom toy with a minimum image width of 500px. See below for more details on how to prepare each image.

Artist Name:
Artist Website:
Artist location (city and county):
Toy Name:
Toy Type: (ie. Kidrobot 8″ Dunny)
Toy Story: (ie. The toy goes all over the world and kills everyone)
Toy Available for sale: Yes or No or Free
If yes where and how to buy: (Can not be a retail website. i.e. Buyer must email you or buy direct of your site)
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES or NO
If yes email to contact artist:

We can not promise to feature all toys submitted. If we do not feature your toy we will let you know why. Please ensure the image quality is of a suitable standard. There is no limit to what toy can be submitted but it must be a custom designer toy, endocrinologist vinyl toy, buy information pills plush toy, obesity paper toy or any suitable modern toy.

Here is a check list for sending in images of your custom toy.

1) Each image should be at least 500px wide.
2) Each image should only have 1 image of the toy. Please do not send 1 image containing 2 or more smaller images of the same toy.
3) Each image should be of a reasonable quality. We will try to touch up each image if needed.
4) Images should not contain any large logos or web addresses. Small logos are fine but if possible try to avoid adding any kind of logo.
5) Please name the image file the same as the name of the toy with ascending numbers at the end. e.g. customdunny-1.jpg, customdunny-2.jpg, etc




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