Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Archive for the ‘8″ Moody’ Category

Rusted Warrior Moody – Bovinyl

Nov 2, 2008 Author: Raphael | Filed under: 8" Moody, Bovinyl


Artist name: Bovinyl
Artist website:
Artist location: Lethbridge, hair
Alberta, Canada
Toy Name: Rusted Warrior Moody
Toy Type: 8″ Moody
Toy Story: The “Rusted Warrior” hails from a civilization that exists in the bowels of the earth. It”s weapons serve a dual purpose – to mine rare metals and to fend off enemies in battle.
Toy Available for sale: Yep, please contact the artist with the credentials found below for more information.
Artist available for commission? Yes, please contact the using info [at]

Mad Cowboy – Dr. Bao / NVC Crew

May 18, 2008 Author: Tahir | Filed under: 8" Moody, Artists, Dr. Bao / NVC Crew

Artist Name: Hans Yim
Artist Website:
Artist location: NYC
Toy Name: Burning Rabbit
Toy Type: Grabbit
Toy Story: None
Toy Available for sale: Yes, sovaldi sale buy here
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, ask contact artist through website


Artist Name: Augiewan
Artist Website: |
Artist location: Michagan, hair
Toy Name: Cinnamon
Toy Type: U.B.Funkey
Toy Story: Cinnamon is one of those “spice of life” types, salve
always ready to add a little attitude to the situation.
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, medications
Contact artist through website


Tutorial: Custom ZLIKS By Bil BetsOvic

Tutorial by Bil Betsovic.


Forest Dweller – Ted Stilson

Mar 7, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: 8" Moody, Artists, Large Vinyl Toys, Ted Stilson

Tutorial: Custom ZLIKS By Bil BetsOvic

Tutorial by Bil Betsovic.


Deddy Bear - Brian Castleforte

Artist Info: Brian Castleforte, rx Los Angeles, help USA [, cost]
Toy Name: Deddy Bear
Toy Type: Custom Plush
Toy Story: Don’t see too many customized plush toys, so I thought I’d have a go at it. Would love some feedback on it.
Toy Available for sale: Not at the moment
Artist available for custom toy commission? Sure
Email artist -
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Alien Viper - Aaron Aaalke Keeling

Artist Info: Aaron “Aaalke” Keeling, diet
Lethbridge, prescription
Canada []
Toy Name: Alien Viper Moody 019
Toy Type: 8″ Moody
Toy Story: Move over Predator!
Toy Available for sale: Yes [visit]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
Email artist -
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Mirotoo Moody – Ted Stilson

Feb 26, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: 8" Moody, Artists, Large Vinyl Toys, Ted Stilson

Stikovka Retrospective

Event Name: Stikovka Retrospective
Event Date / Duration: Feb 8-11th 2007
Location: Moscow Centre Of Arts, health Neglinnaya 14, Moscow, Russia
Official Website: We’re working on it.
Event Story: We wanted to celebrate exclusive release of Lunohod-1 Shikito and asked some artists who participated in previous events to customise bshit figures for upcoming show.
Photos Provided By: Iron Lung


Splat Moody – Ted Stilson

Feb 21, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: 8" Moody, Artists, Large Vinyl Toys, Ted Stilson

Bozzy & Eye-Up - Squink

Artist Info: Squink!, stuff Sheffield, neurosurgeon UK []
Toy Name: Bozzy & Eye-Up!
Toy Type: Circus Punks
Toy Story: The clown is a terrifying picture of death, healing as you can see by Eye-Ups reaction.. They dine together regularly and blood is never spilled but this doesn’t stop the terrifying nature of Bozzys eye direction..
Toy Available for sale: Sold
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
[Contact artist through website]
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