Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Archive for the ‘Mauerlat’ Category

Jimbots Soldier - James Jimbot Demski

Artist Info: James “Jimbot” Demski, ambulance Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Toy Name: Jimbot’s Soldier
Toy Type: JAMUNGO 9″ BUD
Toy Story: This is a portrait of one of my MANY minions. I have THOUSANDS of these little guys guarding my fortress of solitude!
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Email artist]
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES… ALWAYS!!!!
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No Name – Mauerlat

Mar 17, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Kidrobot 8" Munny, Large Vinyl Toys, Mauerlat

Ponie - James - Style43

Artist Info: James – Style43, sickness London, neurosurgeon England []
Toy Name: Ponie
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: although i might been seen in a gay bar, i am not a homo, I’m a vinylsexual,, ya feel me,,,,
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Email artist to buy]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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