Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys
Sorry for the delay in announcing the winner guys and girls but there was a big battle between 7 designs for the final spot in the top ten. The turn out for the competition was better than we expected and it was a lot of fun going through all the creative designs. However the team of judges consisting of Crazy Label, recipe
Vinyl Pulse, Toysrevil, Toy Break and UrbanRetro, have managed to decide on what the 10 best designs are. The 10 designs are up here for all to see and If you have won make sure you drop us your delivery address to receive your DIY Tamo toys. For the rest of you that entered thanks so much for getting involved and we hope you take part in future competitions.
UPDATE: Sorry for the delay everyone. Winners will be announced on the 14th November.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone that entered the design a Halloween Tamo competition. The entries are all superb but unfortunately there can only be 10 winners. The judging panel is currently deciding who the winners will be but in the meantime you can take a peek at all the entries at the Flickr Halloween Tamo Set
Design A Halloween TAMO Competition. Win 5 Blank DIY TAMO toys
Custom Toy Lab and Crazy Label have teamed up to give away some Blank DIY TAMO Toys. October ends with the scariest day of the year so we want all you artists to design and show us the most horrific, symptoms
gruesome or even scarily cute TAMO toy you can come up with.
Download the TAMO template and design a Halloween TAMO. The 10 best designs will be chosen by Custom Toy Lab, Crazy Label, Vinyl Pulse, Toysrevil, Toy Break and UrbanRetro. The 10 artists behind the 10 winning designs will all receive 5 blank DIY TAMO toys each.
Competition Ends Midnight 31 October. Winners will be announced upto 7 days after that.
Send all entries to
Click through for the full rules and toy info
Artist Name: Kenn Munk
Artist Website:
Artist location: Ã…rhus, order Denmark
Toy Name: The Jellymech Incident
Toy Type: Sqwert
Toy Story: In the late sixites, like so many times before, evolution took place.
This time it happened in the sea, which at this point was getting crowded and lifeforms were getting pushed towards the shores. This caused jellyfish to evolve. Some developed stingers to create some more space around them, some developed a knack for engineering and by around 1974 they had developed a mechanized suit that would allow them to move out of the sea and onto land without loss of mobility or wetness.
By 1981 the jellyfish stopped all production of mecha and decided to stay in the sea. The reason for scrapping the Jellymecha project was that even though the mecha were of excellent mobility, jellyfish’ sense of of balance doesn’t really work out of the sea and quite often they’d topple over.
Furthermore, Jellyfish engineers never really took gravity into their calculations as they don’t use it in their everyday life in the sea.
As a result the mecha couldn’t withstand hitting the ground, so whenever a Jellymech pilot lost his balance, his mech would break.
Broken jellymecha with desperate-looking jellyfish in them would often be seen lying around on the shores of the countries surrounding the North Sea between 1974 and 1980-81, but never for very long as dogs would find their leaking, stinking oil perfect for rolling around in and thus crush them beyond recognition.
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES – Contact artist through website
CONGRATULATIONS to Nathan Graham who is the winner of the first ever Custom Toy Lab competition. Nathan is the winner of the Custom GID ZLIKS created by Bil BetsOvic.
Thanks to everyone that entered the competition as the response was much greater than we expected.
The next Custom Toy Lab competition will be announced soon so keep a look out.
Artist Info: Kenn Munk, injection Ã…rhus, for sale Denmark []
Toy Name: SkullBunny19
Toy Type: Get Small Jeremy Fish bunnyskull
Toy Story: I don’t know the story, diagnosis but the number may refer to the average age of soldiers serving time in Vietnam accordign to a Paul Hardcastle song.
Toy Available for sale: Yes (Will be for sale on the “Every Thing is Black or White” tour)
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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