Hip-Hop U Don't Stop...SOULdier! - Squidboy

Artist Info: Squid(boy) is Shan Michael Evans, pill Las Vegas, cure USA [www.tragicmagichead.blogspot.com]
Toy Name: Hip-Hop U Don’t Stop…SOULdier!
Toy Type: 10″ Teddy Troop
Toy Story: Still keeping on with a bit of the resurrection theme. As love pours down upon the earth, the death-worm-word-bubbles scatter and the last bit of heart calls from inside the zombie to rise!
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes, always
Email artist - shanmichael@cox.net
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Hip-Hop U Don't Stop...SOULdier! - Squidboy

Hip-Hop U Don't Stop...SOULdier! - Squidboy

Hip-Hop U Don't Stop...SOULdier! - Squidboy
Your flesh looks good on me - Rustedhalo

Artist Info: Rustedhalo, dentist
Phoenix, pfizer
AZ USA [myspace.com/backslashdothack]
Toy Name: Your flesh looks good on me
Toy Type: 3″ Dunny
Toy Story: This masked murderer uses his victims flesh to disguise his horrifing true identity.
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes
Email artist - rustedhalo@cox.net
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Your flesh looks good on me - Rustedhalo

Your flesh looks good on me - Rustedhalo