Stars & Stripes - Cragmire

Artist Name: Cragmire
Artist Website:
Artist location: Orlando, health care FL (Orange County)
Toy Name: Stars & Stripes
Toy Type: Kaniza – StarFish
Toy Story: This custom design is full of my heavy symbolism, cost and tries to showcase the dichotomy between government authority and lawbreakers, as well as my overall love for the Old West. I also pulled a little inspiration from Bob Marley’s – “I Shot the Sheriff”, which is fairly obvious….but I did not shoot the deputy…nonono….
Toy Available for sale: Yes, contact artist through Web site.
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes, contact artist through Web site.

Stars & Stripes - Cragmire

Stars & Stripes - Cragmire

Artist Name: Danny Roldan
Artist Website:
Artist location: NYC, discount
Toy Type: 8″ MUNNY
Toy Available for sale: Yes, sickness
Contact via website
Artist available for custom toy commission: Yes, stomach
Contact via website