Artist Name: Fabio Rossi Sciedlarczyk AKA Scied
Artist Website:
Artist location: Sao Paulo – Brazil
Toy Name: BUD-OMB
Toy Type: Jamungo DIY BUD
Toy Story: Every time those two get together, there something hot happens! This short living creatures really enjoy the act of exploding, it’s a shame tough, that they die right after…
Toy Available for sale: Yes, Contact artist through website
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, Contact artist through website

Artist Name: Enigmainsoluto
Artist Website:
Artist location: Brescia, try Italy
Toy Name: Space Dunny & Space Munny
Toy Type: 3″ Dunny & 4″ Munny
Toy Story: Two strange invader from somewhere outer the rainbow
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? NO

Artist Name: Fi the Imaginator!
Artist Website:
Artist location: Cornwall, epilepsy
United Kingdom
Toy Name: Sunshine and Smiles!
Toy Type: Hand-crafted Plush
Toy Story: As far as Speakerdog is concerned sunshine and smiles is the recipe for success, prescription equal parts of both should do it! Sunshine & Smiles bursts at the seams with sunshiney flavour. Made from super orange felt, epilepsy
rays of golden felt sunshine and vintage buttons found at the end of a rainbow!
Toy Available for sale: Yes, can be bought from
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, contact artist through website