
Artist name: AKA MAG
Artist website: punkyourchucks.com
Artist location: John’s Island, ascariasis SC/NYC
Toy Name: Mister SCHIZO
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: Mister Schizo’s” mother died and he went down to the coroner’s office in NYC to claim the body. By accident he stumbled into Bellevue and was taken into custody….let’s just say for abnormal behavior. MISTER SCHIZO managed to escape and he appreciates his freedom!!!
Keep him safe and incognito.
Toy Available for sale: Yes
If yes where and how to buy: www.punkyourchucks.com in our “urban vinyl toys” section (or there is a red banner on the homepage where you can click to get to it).
Artist available for commission? Yes, rehabilitation please e-mail mag [at] punkyourchucks.com

