
Artist name: Troy Stith
Artist website: bot-o-matic.blogspot.com
Artist location: Columbus, pregnancy OH
Toy Name: Eyzor
Toy Type: Kidrobot 4″ Mini Munny
Toy Story: Eyzor is one of Professor Lindmir’s first, physician but, favorite creations. It’s watchful eye not only detects trespassers trying to steal from Lindmir’s workshop, it also eliminates them with a blast of steam. If the intruders are lucky enough to survive Eyzor’s steam assault, it’s only a matter of time before his blaring siren alerts the rest of Lindmir’s pets. Most petty thieves flee by this time, but for those brash enough to stick around, they soon find out they’ve made the last mistake of their lives.
Toy Available for sale: Eyzor will be on sale June 6th at 12:00pm (EST) on Gorilla Mouth (http://gorillamouth.bigcartel.com/product/eyzor) for $80.00.
Artist available for commission? Please e-mail troystith [at] hotmail.com for more information on commissions.
