Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys
Artist Info: BiL BetsOviC, web Las Vegas, malady USA []
Toy Name: Old War Dud
Toy Type: 9″ NADE
Toy Story: ok so heres the story on this guy he’s an old war toy from the 40’s the government thought it be a great idea to try and put one of these bad boys in every enemy home possible it was a fluffy bunny that 1 week after it is aquired it rips its own ears off and pulls its own pin to DESTROY the family it lives with. Well that all happened to this guy but he’s a DUD,and i aquired this guy at a garage sale,the owner said this guy just trys to run his head into the wall all day still tryin to blow himself up…..
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes
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Artist Info: Nico Teo, denture Singapore []
Toy Name: Animal SAM
Toy Type: Handmade plush
Toy Story: SAM is a fun loving, helpful and positive creature. It has a passion for the little things it do. It wanna ROCK THE WORLD! Sam said: “Let’s have fun”
Sam is from plushism land. Different series of PLUSHISM plushies are all from different places to this heavenly PLUSHISM land.
In PLUSHISM land, it is filled with JOY, HAPPINESS and never lack of music. All the creatures are blessed with talents. They have their deep passion and live with a dream. It is peaceful in their world, without any bullies, enemies or selfish ones. All are helpful and friendly. You can pay them a visit, bring them home to let them share their sweet memories and happy stories. Get to know PLUSHISM plushies for miracles in your life!
Available for sale: Yes [Email artist]
Artist available for commission? Yes
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Artist Info: 12punt3, more about The Hague, The Netherlands []
Toy Name: Vamp’eyer
Toy Type: 13″ Plush toy
Toy Story: Vamp’eyer looks dangerous but he is a big softy at heart. Just don’t forget… he doesn’t like sunshine! Nobody knows what will happen when sunbeams fall on Vamp¹eyer. Another thing you should know is that he likes to drink a little blood now and then. Remember those two things and he will be your best friend!
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Visit Website –]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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