Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Archive for the ‘Kidrobot 8″ Dunny’ Category

Frank Kozik - Matthew Weekley

Artist Info: Matthew Weekley, order Columbus, Ohio, USA []
Toy Name: Frank Kozik
Toy Type: 8″ Dunny
Toy Story: CMy love for Frank Kozik’s work fueled me to do a tribute piece. Currently working on a Frank series of vinyl sure to please the Kozik fan.
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Visit Website]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Buster The Bunny - BiL BetsOviC

Artist Info: BiL BetsOviC, gerontologist Las Vegas, USA []
Toy Name: Buster The Bunny
Toy Type: 8″ Dunny
Toy Story: This here is Buster the Bunny he’s been livin on the mean streets of Vegas (right by Crack alley) for 2 years now smokin,drinkin,havin his way with all the hookers,spreading his bad dunny seed all around this town,getting all the out-of-towners to support his habits…this guys been smokin for quite a while now as u can see with his teeth they r yellowish/brown and his right hand has tobacco stains too…well anyways, he’s fed up and wants to go to rehab (but only for the booze) so if anybody knows a hotline # for rehab lemme know i need to get him in a.s.a.p.
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes
bil betsovic email
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Warrior – Riot68

Feb 24, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Kidrobot 8" Dunny, Large Vinyl Toys, Riot68

Red Gore Assault - Phu!

Artist Info: Phu!, website Sunny Island of Singapore []
Toy Name: Red Gore Assault
Toy Type: 6″ Skumbo
Toy Story: It’s a Mecha Tech Warrior getting ready for war…
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes
phu email
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Smooty – BiL BetsOviC

Feb 19, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Bil BetsOvic, Kidrobot 8" Dunny, Large Vinyl Toys

Bozzy & Eye-Up - Squink

Artist Info: Squink!, stuff Sheffield, neurosurgeon UK []
Toy Name: Bozzy & Eye-Up!
Toy Type: Circus Punks
Toy Story: The clown is a terrifying picture of death, healing as you can see by Eye-Ups reaction.. They dine together regularly and blood is never spilled but this doesn’t stop the terrifying nature of Bozzys eye direction..
Toy Available for sale: Sold
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
[Contact artist through website]
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Plenty of Bad Days for Dunny - Squidboy

Artist Info: Squid(boy) is Shan Michael Evans, sildenafil Las Vegas, rx USA []
Toy Name: Plenty of Bad Days for Dunny
Toy Type: 8″ Dunny
Toy Story: Nice colors on it. Most of the imagery is random. At one point had more alphabet on there… like ” A is for Applepus”…the way my son pronounces octopus. Overall it’s got a neon road side attraction feel to me. Hard times and aging cultures…new magic and wonder.
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes, always
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Hazchem Dunny – Bytedust

Feb 10, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Bytedust, Kidrobot 8" Dunny, Large Vinyl Toys

Skunky - Anna Hamilton

Artist Info: Anna Hamilton, approved Glasgow, UK []
Toy Name: Skunky
Toy Type: 3″ Dunny
Toy Story: Wishes he had more friends but can’t understand why he doesn’t?
Toy Available for sale: Sold
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Freshlime – Riot68

Feb 2, 2007 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Kidrobot 8" Dunny, Large Vinyl Toys, Riot68

Harold The Headcase By Bil Betsovic

Artist Info: BiL BetsOviC, healing Las Vegas, generic USA []
Toy Name: Harold the Headcase
Toy Type: Toy2r Rolitoboy
Toy Story: This here is Harold a custom RolitoBoy who just came from surgery, syringe he was run over by local outdoorsmen and had to be saved by the great md’s in Las Vegas. After he came out of surgery he was homeless and i adopted him from a local vinyl shelter,not knowing he’s COMPLETELY crazy, if u look into his brain all u see is sick and twisted thoughts of death! THIS GUYS NUTZZZ!!!!! WATCH OUT!!!
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes, always
bil betsovic email
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