Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Elements of Life – Clint Anscombe

Oct 20, 2008 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Clint Anscombe, Toy2r 8" Qee


Artist name: Clint Anscombe
Artist location: London, sale England
Toy Name: Elements of Life
Toy Type: 8″ Qee Bear
Toy Story: A Qee Bear inspired by Tiesto”s album cover.
Toy Available for sale: Unfortunately this bear is not for sale at the moment.
Artist available for commission? This artist is unavailable for commissions at the present time.

Gunny – James yeah?

Sep 6, 2008 Author: Raphael | Filed under: James yeah, Kidrobot 3" Dunny


Artist name: James Yeah?
Artist website:
Artist location: Birmingham, otolaryngologist
Toy Name: Gunny
Toy Type: 3″ Kidrobot Dunny
Toy Story: Gunny is a half robotic half bunny gun wielding death machine, he has a permanant cannon fixed to his head to take out the bad munnys who attack his home, he”s one of 5 gunny soldiers who patrol the outer dunny world from attack.
Toy Available for sale: Yup, the toy is available for sale.
Artist available for commission? Yes, contact me via email or Myspace.

Interview: James yeah?

Aug 27, 2008 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Large Vinyl Toys


Artist Name: James yeah?
Location: Birmingham, ambulance England

Custom Toy Lab:
For the first time ever, this site we’d like to present our first artist interview ever. Joining us for the interview is UK’s James yeah?. Whether you’ve seen his Flickr photostream, emergency or been on his Myspace page, you’ll know that his pieces are interesting and unique with every project that he does. Getting away from the small details, we’d like to get to the more interesting part of this interview! Without further ado, Custom Toy Lab would like to present James yeah?
Custom Toy Lab:
First of all, we’d like you to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with us. Talking to you previously, this happens to be your first artist interview ever, not to mention it’s our first here on the site as well. How does it feel?

James yeah?:
It’s pretty exciting if not a little nerve racking, I’m honored you’d ask me though and I’d like to say a big thanks to you and to Custom Toy Lab for asking me to do this, I hope I don’t come across badly ha.


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