Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Nuggtron – Nugglife

Mar 1, 2016 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Kidrobot 3" Dunny, Nugglife


Artist name: Nugglife
Artist location: New York, Queens, United States
Toy Name: Nuggtron
Toy Type: Kidrobot 3″ Dunny
Toy Story: This is Nuggtron V420-G13, 25% human, rest machine. One of the many prototypes created by Nuggs to help with growing and harvesting. Due to their dumb instincts, they were easy to steal. Most of the time they would get stripped for their fancy parts, then get tossed in the junk yards for the savages to destroy… Speaking of the savages I’ve always wanted to see, never meet.

Toy Available for sale: No, unfortunately this toy is not available for sale.

Artist available for commission? Yes, you can email the artist using ian [at]



Artist name: Noosed Kitty (Jamie Fales)
Artist website:
Artist location: New York, USA
Toy Name: A Quiet Place to Rest
Toy Type: Kidrobot 7″ Munny
Toy Story: This gnome was just looking for a pleasant place to sit and smoke his pipe with some animal friends.
Toy Available for sale: Yes, you can purchase the toy in my shop for $200 (includes shipping within the USA)
Artist available for commission? Yes, I can be reached by email noosedkitty [at]


Artist name: Era
Artist location: Sacramento, medical
Toy Name: Show me the Munny
Toy Type: Kidrobot 4″ Mini Munny
Toy Story: Owning the mafia in the Munnyworld, Show me the Munny makes bank by hustling every thing he can get his hands on.
Toy Available for sale: Nope, unfortunately this toy is not available for sale.

Shaune – Cherise R. Ward

Feb 11, 2010 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Cherise R. Ward, Munnyworld 4" Mini Trikky


Artist name: kas
Artist website:
Artist location: Melbourne, visit
Toy Name: Great Wave Off Kanagawa
Toy Type: Kidrobot 8″ Dunny
Toy Story: This one was an engagement for two friends, who love the original Japanese woodblock artwork by Hokusai, and just so happen to collect Dunnys!
Toy Available for sale: Nope, unfortunately this toy is not for sale.
Artist available for commission? Yes,

Keion – Optikmass

Jan 20, 2010 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Kidrobot 8" Munny, Optikmass


Artist name: Bryan Collins
Artist website:
Artist location: Fort Collins, stomatology
Toy Name: Korgo
Toy Type: Kidrobot 4″ Mini Munny
Toy Story: This is my piece for the Multiversal exhibit at Art Basel Miami, ask FL. Acrylic (and a pair of earings) on 4″ vinyl mini-Munny.

Tara McPherson and several other artists will be on-hand for the event to do some live painting and doodling.
Toy Available for sale: Please contact art [at] for more information on how to purchase this toy.
Artist available for commission? Yes, please e-mail art [at] if you are interested in custom toy commissions from this artist.

The Iceman (Chuck Liddell) – Patrick Francisco

Nov 5, 2008 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Mad*L, Patrick Francisco


Artist name: Patrick Francisco
Artist website:
Artist location: New York City, this site
United States
Toy Name: The Iceman (Chuck Liddell)
Toy Type: 10″ MadL
Toy Available for sale: Yep, please contact the artist with the information provided below.
Artist available for commission? Yes, you may contact the artist by e-mailing them, patrick.francisco [at]


We had the chance to interview Patrick Francisco last month, cheapest this time however he shares with us his creative process from start to finish in creating his own custom Dunny. Enjoy readers!


Ten Toy – Nix Toxic

Oct 8, 2008 Author: Raphael | Filed under: Nix Toxic


Artist name: Nix Toxic
Artist website:
Artist location: Dallas, price
NY, view LA, USA
Toy Name: Ten Toy
Toy Type: Custom To The Core
Toy Story: My primary character, Ten, was inspired by Japanese pop and cartoon culture. Particularly, I”ve always loved the Astroboy concept. With the added element of my gritty, urban, outsider style, Ten ended up being my version of an “Astropet”. He can be found throughout my artwork; sometimes he”s hiding behind paint drips and dark subject matter, other times he is the subject matter…

About the Ten Toy:

“Ten” is equipped with a moveable head, stands approx. 3″ tall, and fits oh so sweetly inside this nifty “toxic bomb” (about 4″ in diameter). He was hand-sculpted in clay, molded in silicone, cast with a super-light, super-durable poly resin, then sanded, primed, and painted… all by yours truly. The bomb, which will be included exclusively with hand-produced custom toys, is made of acrylic and painted with spray paint, oil, and lacquer.

I know… most sane artists would hand this job off to a designer. But with this degree of toxic dabbling and chemical mischief… no way was I going to outsource all the fun! Now that the process is finalized once and for all, one would think duplicating would be a snap. Not so much. These little guys are insanely time-consuming to reproduce… but hey, it”s totally worth it.

The jury is still out on how many “Ten Toys” I will custom produce before sending the prototype off to be cast in vinyl. Until then, I”m just going to consider them “beta”types…

Ten Toys are currently custom exclusives… they”re being produced individually by hand in my “art lab”. There will be a total of 30 custom toys produced in the first run, sold at $85 each. All have subtle differences and are signed and numbered. Future custom runs are very possible, but there will be significant changes made with each run (color changes, etc.)
Toy Available for sale: Yes, they are $85 each (details above).
Artist available for commission? Yes, please e-mail nix [at]




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