Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys

Archive for April, 2008

Hierogrip – Reactor 88

Apr 25, 2008 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Large Vinyl Toys, Ryan Crippen - Reactor88

Artist Name: SNUB
Artist Website: WWW.SNUB23.COM
Artist location: Brighton, human enhancement England
Toy Name: Black & Blue
Toy Type: Mini Munny
Toy Story: Black and Blue is the way he’ll leave you
Toy Available for sale: Yes, buy Contact artist via website
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes, Contact artist via website


Artist Name: Fabio Rossi Sciedlarczyk AKA Scied
Artist Website:
Artist location: Sao Paulo – Brazil
Toy Name: BUD-OMB
Toy Type: Jamungo DIY BUD
Toy Story: Every time those two get together, there something hot happens! This short living creatures really enjoy the act of exploding, it’s a shame tough, that they die right after…
Toy Available for sale: Yes, Contact artist through website
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, Contact artist through website


Artist Name: Fabio Rossi Sciedlarczyk AKA Scied
Artist Website:
Artist location: Sao Paulo – Brazil
Toy Name: BUD-OMB
Toy Type: Jamungo DIY BUD
Toy Story: Every time those two get together, there something hot happens! This short living creatures really enjoy the act of exploding, it’s a shame tough, that they die right after…
Toy Available for sale: Yes, Contact artist through website
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, Contact artist through website


Artist Name: Fabio Rossi Sciedlarczyk AKA Scied
Artist Website:
Artist location: Sao Paulo – Brazil
Toy Name: BUD-OMB
Toy Type: Jamungo DIY BUD
Toy Story: Every time those two get together, there something hot happens! This short living creatures really enjoy the act of exploding, it’s a shame tough, that they die right after…
Toy Available for sale: Yes, Contact artist through website
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, Contact artist through website


The Handy man – Frenchie

Apr 21, 2008 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Frenchie, Large Vinyl Toys, Mad*L

Artist Name: Frenchie
Artist Website: viagra com”>montrealvinyl, information pills com
Artist location: Montreal, pregnancy Canada
Toy Name: The Handy man
Toy Type: 5″ Madl
Toy Story: He’s the handy man… He’ll fix anything!
Toy Available for sale: Yes, Contact artist through website or check it out at APW Gallery in NY
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, Contact artist through website


Artist Name: Jeremi Rimel (Miscreation)
Artist Website:, women’s health
Artist location: Harrisonburg, no rx VA
Toy Name: Custom “Infested” Plaseebo Mummy Shrine
Toy Type: Bob Conge Legend of Plaseebo
Toy Story: Customizing the Plaseebo Mummy was no easy task but was definitely a fun project, for someone like me who likes to create rather unusual customs, the Legend of Plaseebo Awaken figure is already a true oddity itself. I wanted to make use of the parts as much as I could so I crafted the sarcophagus into a wall-mountable shrine that can hold and display the figure. I also used the sarcophagus to make an additional wearable head-dress accessory. I did some light sculpting work to form a more rotting and worm infested version of the figure. Boney skeletal feet replaced the original legs to have the mummy stand in the shrine base.
Toy Available for sale: Maybe. I wouldn’t mind taking some offers.
Artist available for custom toy commission? Every once in a while!, contact artist through website


Lupi and Pilu – SukiSuki

Apr 19, 2008 Author: Tahir | Filed under: Artists, Hand Made Plush, Large Plush Toys, SukiSuki

Artist Info: SukiSuki
Artist Website:
Artist location: The Netherlands, arthritis Amsterdam
Toy Name: Lupi and Pilu
Toy Type: Hand Made Plush Stuff, 25 cm / 10 inches tall
Toy Story: Lupi is Pilu’s big twin brother. He is extremely protective of her. They are a very caring pair. Hug, squeeze and tug him, he’s a funny one!
Pilu is Lupi’s little twin sister. She is the quieter one of the two. She likes to hide away as she thinks she looks a bit weird with her long neck and one eye.
Available for sale: Yes, contact artist through website
Artist available for commission? Yes, contact artist through website


Artist Name: Augiewan
Artist Website: |
Artist location: Michagan, hair
Toy Name: Cinnamon
Toy Type: U.B.Funkey
Toy Story: Cinnamon is one of those “spice of life” types, salve
always ready to add a little attitude to the situation.
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? YES, medications
Contact artist through website





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