Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys
Artist name: Robert Anaya Jr.
Artist website:
Artist location: Spring Hill, nurse
Florida, treat
United States
Toy Name: Láska
Toy Type: Kidrobot 4″ Dunny
Toy Available for sale: Unfortunately this toy is not for sale at the moment. This one was a birthday gift!
Artist available for commission? It depends on the time, send me an email (robertanayajr [at] if interested & I”ll let you know ASAP.
Artist name: Marshall Alexander
Artist website:
Artist location: Arnhem, shop The Netherlands
Toy Name: Foldskool Heroes
Toy Type: Papertoy
Toy Story: Foldskool Heroes pay tribute to the idols from our youth, shop taking those precious childhood memories and slightly twist them into new experiences.
Toy Available for sale: Toy is downloadable for free at artist”s site:
Artist available for commission? Yes, ampoule please e-mail the artist using marshallalexander [at]
Artist name: Robert Anaya Jr.
Artist website:
Artist location: Spring Hill, site Florida, pharmacist
Toy Name: Moxie
Toy Type: Kidrobot 4″ Mini Munny
Toy Available for sale: Yup, no rx
please contact the artist with the information below.
Artist available for commission? Yes, please e-mail RobertAnayaJr [at]
Artist name: Cidenzo
Artist website:
Artist location: Southbury, cialis
Connecticut, hygiene
Toy Name: Diego
Toy Type: 4″ Mini Munny
Toy Story: First custom mini munny that I”ve done.
Toy Available for sale: Unfortunately this toy is not for sale at the moment.
Artist available for commission? You may e-mail the artist using cidenzoscustoms [at]
Artist name: Jorge Koke Petit
Artist website:
Artist location: Chile
Toy Name: Justine Munny
Toy Type: 4″ Kidrobot Mini Munny
Toy Story: Don”t eat meat!!!
Toy Available for sale: Unfortunately this toy is not available for sale.
Artist available for commission? This artist is not taking any custom toy comissions.
Artist name: Trenton M
Artist website:
Artist location: United States
Toy Name: Rusty Robot
Toy Type: 4″ Kidrobot Munny
Toy Story: These robots were sent into the ocean by T- labs in 1972 to explore the ocean floor. Eight were sent down on that faith full day only one was found. This is the only remaining bot, stuff
It has grown old and moldy because of the constant factor of the salty ocean. The robot is broken because when it was found a screw was logged in its cranium. The robot was also found with a questionable old can, remedy
and for some reason we kept it. He is approximately four inches tall.
Toy Available for sale: Yup please contact the artist.
Artist available for commission? You may contact the artist using TrentonMStudiosSite [at]
Artist name: Kill Taupe
Artist website:
Artist location: Detroit, Glaucoma
Toy Name: My Snazzy Blue Monster Suit
Toy Type: 4″ Mini Munny (Kidrobot)
Toy Story: He figures the monsters can”t get him if he just blends in with them.
Toy Available for sale: Yes, apoplexy
starting August 9th as part of the Detroit Summer Munny Show Vol. 2 at Lift. See for more info.
Artist available for commission? Yes, diet
I can be reached at killtaupe [at]
Artist name: PleaseFlush
Artist website:
Artist location: Brighton, public health
East Sussex
Toy Name: Derek
Toy Type: Mini Munny
Toy Available for sale: This toy is not available for sale.
Artist available for commission? You may contact the artist by using please.flush [at]