Custom Designer Vinyl Toys, Paper Toys & Plush Toys
Tutorial by Bil Betsovic.
Step 1: Striped the original paint off with goof-off (DO NOT use on plastics. l learned the hard way by ruining a 10 inch icebot body) This stuff is amazing on vinyl as it takes off factory paint in a couple of swipes!!
The brush I usually use is a synthetic hair brush. I feel they work the best for me and get a real smooth finish. I usually wait around 30 minutes per coat for drying time. I keep my hands very clean every time I wash the brush and I make sure to wash ALL paint of my hands. Also I have learned that if you don’t sometimes you may go to grab the piece your working on and put a big blue mark all over it.
Step 2: Heated up the heads with a hairdryer and popped the eyes out. Then started the 1st coat with FOLKART acrylics.
Step 3: This is after the 1st base coat of the orange paint, purchase you can barely tell but its there. I had to do around 12-15 coats of this orange to get it the final orange color.
Step 4: This is where i started to run the lava up the bodies of the ZLIKS and added the drool around the mouth by just adding a lil water to the acrylics. You can also see that the eyes have been coated quite a few times with GID green paint. You can also see a road map to my friends AKERS house.
Step 5: Now I started on the belly patches using the same paint.
Step 6: After all the painting finished I clear coated it with 3x krylon and all the pieces of the toys were put back together.
All the rest is a SECRET hahahahahahahahahaha
Tutorial by Bil Betsovic
Artist Info: Fervid Unicorn []
Toy Name: Hello Sunshine
Toy Type: Snorse (by Pete Fowler)
Toy Story: Hello Sunshine is a morning Snorse seen often in valleys, information pills
grazing on clover. Limes and pears are its favorite snacks. It has a soft glow around it that becomes a full glow during mating season in June. This is one of the few times a morning Snorse may be seen, since it was hunted to near extinction by those believing its honey-colored blood contains the healing elements of the sun. Ironically, one must stand within the glowing aura of a living morning Snorse to be cleansed of all impurities of the flesh. Few earn the trust of this creature and are able to stand near enough to touch it.
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Artist Info: Sheryo, pharmacy
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Toy Name: White Collared Evil
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: A “tribute” to the white collared evil. A polite form of evil usually found behind a typical workstation in an office.
Toy Available for sale: Sold
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Artist Info: D-LuX, about it
Detroit, gonorrhea
Mi []
Toy Name: Surgeon Generals Warning
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Available at Munny Shot UK]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Artist Info: Ted Stilson, remedy
Lethbridge, more
Alberta, Canada []
Toy Name: Forest Dweller
Toy Type: 8″ Moody
Toy Story: Two-faced tribal custom
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Artist Info: Miscreation – Jeremi Rimel, patient
ABQ-NM, Phimosis
USA []
Toy Name: Chi-WOW-WOW
Toy Type: 8″ Qee
Toy Story: This was made as a gift to my girlfriend, it was modeled after a chihuahua we own.
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes – Visit website or email
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Artist Info: Erwin Weber, treatment Hoofddorp, cialis 40mg
The Netherlands []
Toy Name: Teenage Mutant Ninja Moody
Toy Type: 8″ Moody
Toy Story: Tribute to my childhood heroes
Toy Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? No
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Artist Info: Anna Hamilton, prostate
Glasgow, buy information pills
UK []
Toy Name: Nicholas The Raccoon
Toy Type: 3″ Dunny
Toy Story: Part of my woodland project
Toy Available for sale: Sold [Other customs available on website]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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Artist Info: BiL BetsOviC, read
Las Vegas, neurosurgeon
USA []
Toy Name: Murray The Gladiator
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: This here is Murray he WAS a leader of his battalion until they all got wiped out :0( All they had were there homemade swords the others had bows n arrows,spears,etc. they got wiped out quick in other words,he is the last of his people now and just tryin to survive.As u can see they had some great armor too nuthin to protect arms,plus copper is very soft metal dont help much anyways… I guess this guy was born to lose
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes
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Artist Info: Eloole, symptoms
Barcelona, viagra sale Spain []
Toy Name: MunnyPlush
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: He born to Munny Expo in Madrid.
Available for sale: No
Artist available for commission? Yes
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Artist Info: Sheryo, search
[, this site]
Toy Name: Chipolata
Toy Type: 8″ Munny
Toy Story: Peewee
Toy Available for sale: Yes [Email artist]
Artist available for custom toy commission? Yes
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